- Truth Seeker
- Timeless Spirit
- Transcend Self


Think Search.
Trust Search.
Teach Search.

Troy Shanks is a Searchiac, a true brainiac about search. Welcome to a wavy world of organic optimization and openly opinionated omnipotent opulence outlooks. ooOoo

just send it:


Organic Optimization

Wavy World Web

The Internet is the digital messiah #godspeed. Since February 2, 2006; the wavy world wide web has been a blissful blessing of new beginnings. This is my transition of being a failed athlete to a fledging alchemist and ultimately a futuristic alpha. This is what optimizing the universe looks like. Challenge the status quo like whoa, never plateau always grow.

Organic optimization is all about asking a higher quality question and receiving a higher quality answer in return. #quest-i-on ... aka spread seeds and sprout sensational success stories. #Transformation #Abundance #Shooter

let's ball together

I AM Undefinable

There's a saying "you are what you eat"...in these digital waters, you are what you SEARCH.

One universal truth compounded into absolutes is "man as a measure of all things". It's the cosmic tag line and super-soul slogan byline for all of us breathing. Think outside the box, go against the grain, make it rain and feel no pain.

Crystallizing Creativity